Vodka N' Coffee Podcast


“Revelations” serve as a mini essay / blog that may be converted to a Podcast Episode and or published to print.  Written by Magico777 * Copyright 2022

Welcome to Revelations on Music Physicists featuring Pink Floyd

With the NFT Revolution in its infancy, and millions of people worldwide who are becoming involved with the world of digital art and tuning into the discussion of “What is Art” – Pink Floyd wrote the book on this topic ages and ages and ages ago.

Physicists are considered to be the students and teachers of how the universe works and needless to say their academic and scholastic contributions to humanity are stellar, driven by their ingenious minds.  Within Rock Music history, Pink Floyd pushed the bounds of music, art and the music business every chance they had by taking the concert experience to unrivaled heights.  In many ways, Pink Floyd were both students and teachers of art and laser focused to showcase to the world – the power of art and music.

By the time Pink Floyd mastered their domain, they would have invested millions of dollars into elaborately choreographed light shows that synced in unison with their live music performance. A standard in concerts for decades but was masterfully pioneered by Pink Floyd.  MTV was born and launched in the early 1980s and was the epicenter of social circles, however, the idea of music videos was commercialized heavily by Pink Floyd as they mesmerized their audience by contracting to create very elaborate, animated 2-D videos mixed with filmed actors who would act various scenes. Once again, in modern times this is nothing new, however, Pink Floyd wrote the script for this format. 

The band also filmed a movie called “The Wall” which focused on a rock star that loses touch with reality. 

Artistically speaking, Pink Floyd always engineered ingenious ideas into fruition.  To cross promote the movie the band decided to build an actual wall during their live concerts. One large plastic slab mega cinder block after another would slowly be built while the band played songs. 

Once again, the band collectively aimed at building a physical wall on Pink Floyd’s stage while the band was playing songs in real time.  Being strategic minded, Pink Floyd desired for the attention of the audience to be masterfully controlled so that the wall would be built both slow and subtle.   To accomplish such feats, Pink Floyd kept a philosophy to heavily invest into the entire presentation of their concerts.  As the band played songs, colossal sized characters such as a School Teacher hovered above the stage and would be part puppet and part balloon, designed to both distract and garner the attention of the audience.  Massive, flying pigs in addition to numerous other characters would be crafted to awe Pink Floyd’s audience.  Eventually, the wall would stand erect which separated the band (visually) from their audience who would then begin watching animations and videos that were synched in with Pink Floyd playing their set list of songs.

Pink Floyd tactfully engineered, perhaps, the ultimate concert experience for their audience and the band’s synergy on a creative level had always been extremely ahead of their time. 

The fortunate concert goers who were able to witness a Pink Floyd show as the band evolved into the presentation of building the wall positioned Pink Floyd as one of the most collectively intelligent minded musicians to grace a stage.  They were more than engineers; they were Music and Art Physicists.

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