Vodka N' Coffee Podcast



Welcome to the mind of Magico777, a lifelong creative engineer of sorts with years of experience in audio and visual art as well as extensive corporate business experience.

2021 gave rise to a creative economy the world has never seen before as decentralized finance (crypto currency) along with block chain technology gave birth to NFTs, Non Fungible Tokens. Digital art could be cataloged into a digital provenance that assured authenticity of artwork and a creative revolution emerged.

Magico777 wanted to participate in the revolution.

It takes a revolution to make a solution.”

– Robert Nesta Marley

Though Magico777 had ample creative works he could have minted or tried to sell his creative pieces of work off as NFTs, he opted to exercise patience and spent the majority of 2021 learning as much as possible about the NFT ecosystem. Hundreds of hours were spent in discussions as well as attending lectures from independent authorities within the NFT ecosystem. At times, the amount of information that was being shared had been described by Magico777 as “extreme cerebral overload”, however, with the philosophy that knowledge is power, Magico777 carried on.

By September 2021, Magico777 had an excellent understanding of the NFT ecosystem and began to strategize to build an A2A (Artist to Artist) Platform that he could essentially have fun engaging with and building, all the while helping other artists by spotlighting their visual and or music NFTs.

Magico777 began to conceptualize how to build a machine that creates both community and utility while always supporting the NFT ecosystem.

To accomplish such a vision, Magico777 decided to delve into a topic he knows very well – MUSIC with a focus on ROCK N ROLL Music as Magico777 has been in several Rock Bands as a Singer, Drummer and Guitarist.  Within Rock Music there is always a lot of vices and virtues that goes tongue and cheek with the music, and lifestyle.  Brainstorming for awhile, Magico777 set out to launch a podcast with 3 initial shows featuring: (1) Music,, (2) NFTs, and (3) the Metaverse. Magico777 then brought in the Yin / Yang element of Vice and Virtue with naming the podcast – VODKA N’ COFFEE, an interesting yet intoxicatingly sobering combo.

VODKA N’ COFFEE episodes will aim to deliver intoxicatingly sobering brain storms, round tables, interviews and discussions on various topics relative to Music, NFTs and the Metaverse.

Please listen to Magico777’s “Welcome to the Machine” introduction episode as he welcomes future artists, musicians, tech engineers, decentralized finance execs, other guests and sponsors. Magico777 has many connections to the Rock N Roll world and is excited to feature some well known rock names as guests on VODKA N’ COFFEE.

“Welcome to Machine”

Episode Timeline

00:10 Introduction

00:50 About Mojing777

04:40 About the Podcast

05:10 Anonymous Culture

06:50 Connect with us



Host & Future NFT Artist

''Let my inspiration flow in token rhyme suggesting rhythm that will not forsake me until my tale is told and done...Storyteller makes no choice, one day you may not hear his voice for his job is to shed light and not to master....And since the end is never told they pay the teller off in gold in hopes he will come back but he cannot be bought nor sold.'' - Quote by Robert Hunter lyricist for The Grateful Dead. Thank you for letting me be a storyteller and listening to V N' C! Feel free to connect with me on Social Media - below.

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